Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Has Been Happening Lately

So, it has been over a month since I have posted and I felt like I needed to some back so here I am.

I was driving by Bradlees today and noticed that there was some spray paint on the Stop & Shop half of it. We drove closer to find a group of people, I think, drawing on the fronts of the stores. They had many creative designs. I couldn't get any closer but from where I was I saw the word "PEACE" multiple times! Maybe they are protesting the demolition of Bradlees! (I can only hope) Then as I was leaving I noticed that where one of the chains to keep people out was down and they wrote the word "chain" under where it should be!

Just thought I should share this. Hopefully it is in protest of the demolition!

-Bradlees 4 ever!